Saturday, May 19, 2012

Like Waves on the Sea

"There is almost nothing that has such a keen sense of fun as a fallen leaf" ~Peter Pan [Vintage 1919].

I find that most times in my life that it's the little things that make big differences. Smiles, kind words or gestures. Or a nice cuppa and a good book with some jazz humming in my ear. Or a small ice cream [with sprinkles]. It's little, but it makes an impact on me, and my attitude makes an impact on those around me. So today, do something that puts you in a good mood. Spend time in the word, exercise, run, paint, write, blow bubbles, ride a bike, spend some time out in nature, listen to your favorite band, drink a good cup of coffee or tea, whatever tickles your fancy. It's okay to do something for yourself sometimes. What's stopping you?

A Haiku from me to you:

You hold your own key
To your attitude - not me
So, why aren't you free?

Your chains are gone, see?
Except for your apathy...
Why won't you be free?

You are all but free
Be who you are meant to be
Like waves on the sea

~Amanda Rose


  1. Amanda! How wonderful to hear from you! How are you dear? Hey I got to see Santiago de Compostela and I'm bringing you a present!!!!! Will you be around for Christmas?

    1. I am well :] I have already returned home, and have very sadly missed you and your family! How was the trip?? Would you mind if I asked Lydia for your writing address? I can always use a parchment pal, and I long to hear more about your adventures!
