Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Submitting to the Process

Have you ever had a word, phrase, concept, or bible verse just stalk you? I have had incidences like this with Joshua 1:9 be strong, Psalm 46:10 be still, the idea of being worthy of love, or understanding that I am not alone. But the latest concept that has been stalking me has been submitting to the process

Submission = the condition of being submissive, humble, or compliant

Process = a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result

To be in a compliant [and HUMBLE] state whilst experiencing the gradual changes that lead toward a particular result. The beautiful journey of life with it's crescendos and diminuendos is all a process.

This concept is interwoven into various areas of life - not just one. It's not just a season of life but a way of life.   

 Learning to submit to the process of life and whatever it throws your way is beneficial for several reasons.

1) Submitting to the process is not being a door mat, but acknowledging that sometimes you have to lay down for God to walk over you - not on you. He knows best. You cannot control everything, and relinquishing control to the one who can is quite the burden reliever!

2) Submitting to the process is accepting that things may not turn out how you expect, and not whining about it. Have dreams - have BIG dreams, but don't be so focused on your DREAM that you miss the big PICTURE. Don't miss out on life because you're being so obsessive about living to your potential. Life is made in the little things, the moments, the laughs, the silence... and the twists and turns you don't expect. 

3) Submitting to the process is accepting every season as it comes, and realizing just how beautiful and unique each one is. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" ~Dr. Seuss. Seasons will slip through your grasp if you don't take the time to catch the wave and ride. It's not worth it to miss it. Childhood, High School, College, come and gone within a blink of an eye - will you remember it? How will they remember you? Make the best of every season, and don't try to figure everything out at once. 

Most of all submitting to the process is learning to smile in the face of adversity because you know that you that this too shall pass... Keep your chin up. Be strong. Be still. You are worthy of love, and you are not alone. Submit to the process.

~Amanda Rose