Saturday, May 19, 2012

Like Waves on the Sea

"There is almost nothing that has such a keen sense of fun as a fallen leaf" ~Peter Pan [Vintage 1919].

I find that most times in my life that it's the little things that make big differences. Smiles, kind words or gestures. Or a nice cuppa and a good book with some jazz humming in my ear. Or a small ice cream [with sprinkles]. It's little, but it makes an impact on me, and my attitude makes an impact on those around me. So today, do something that puts you in a good mood. Spend time in the word, exercise, run, paint, write, blow bubbles, ride a bike, spend some time out in nature, listen to your favorite band, drink a good cup of coffee or tea, whatever tickles your fancy. It's okay to do something for yourself sometimes. What's stopping you?

A Haiku from me to you:

You hold your own key
To your attitude - not me
So, why aren't you free?

Your chains are gone, see?
Except for your apathy...
Why won't you be free?

You are all but free
Be who you are meant to be
Like waves on the sea

~Amanda Rose

Friday, May 18, 2012

[Apparently] Jesus was an INFJ....

About this time last year I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, and it turns out that I am an INFJ. Today I "found out" (no solid evidence) that Jesus was an INFJ. That really has nothing vital to do with this post but I found it quite humorous so I added it.

Anyways, one of my dear friends (Heather Peters) posted her personality type today so I decided to look back into mine since it had been a year. One of the things that I discovered is that INFJ's can have anger problems. Now - I'm not one of these superstitious people who thinks that one personality test will tell me everything about myself. However, this test has proven to be fairly accurate in most areas of my life, including the anger problems.

In years prior to, and in the early days of, my heart change towards Christianity I was a canon with a short fuse (it's the Irish in me - at least that's what my father told me). But the reality of the situation was that my anger came from a deep seated place inside of me where I bottled everything up until the pressure was too great and I exploded. I am sure at least a few of you reading this can understand that type of emotional outburst. As I looked more into the personality test there was a very simple line that I happened to like quite a lot: "When you get angry, you lose." It went on to explain that when an INFJ allows that anger to rise up it can cause [sometimes unrepairable] damage to relationships and of course makes confrontations much more difficult when you speak out of anger.

In Colossians 3:8, 12-13 it says " But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive" 


I'm sure that we all have stories of when we allowed our anger to overcome us, and we said or did something nonsensical. We look back to those moments and think of ways we could have handled the situation more efficiently. Often times the most efficient way that I could have handled them better would have been to sit a while and think. Thus allowing time to analyze the situation, as well as allowing my anger to simmer down while I take a moment to be logical about the situation and my emotions.

Thankfully my anger has all but become an issue of the past due to the peace and joy that comes with a personal relationship with Christ. However, no matter how content I am with Christ there are still those moments... I stand assured you know what I speak of. If you ever have those moments (and if you're a human I assume that you do [if you're not human than...umm...well...great representation of the human race, eh?]) remember next time to sit a moment and think. Take a breather, be slow to anger, confront in a Godly manor, and don't allow your emotions to rule. Remember that when you get angry, you lose.

~Amanda Rose

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stages of Restoration

                                                               Rest is nowhere to be found
And no this message is not meant to be profound
I just want more of the one and only Lord
Because it is when I am in his presence I am restored
I am made whole again 

I am restored back to who I was before I was born
Back to who I was before I came into this earth and bore this thorn
These things that separate me from who I was and who I long to be
Cause me to doubt, But Lord I just want more of you and less of me
Make me whole again 

Oh Lord it is only you who can tell me who I really am
I am a canvas painted in your image but stained to no longer look like your lamb
I have fallen time and time again and my pride has stopped you from picking me up
But LORD I give myself away and only take pride in bearing your cup
I need to be whole again 

Lord I know that is not by Judaism, Catholicism, legalism or optimism that I am saved
It is only by your love demonstrated on the cross that my road to salvation has been paved
And yet God I cry out thrice for you to remove this thorn from my side
And you gave me a familiar answer that your Grace is sufficient and by my side you will reside
You will make me whole again 

Lord I know that daily you walk with me through the fire and through the raging sea
You have taught me that who I was does not define me and by your truth I have been set free
“I shall not die, but live, recover and be restored
but also declare and celebrate the good word and works of the LORD.” (Psalms 118:17) Declares that:
I have been made whole again 
An original poem by Amanda Rose Briggs